Lots of crime is preventable, but only if you take basic steps to protect yourself and your belongings. Here are some easy ways you can protect yourself and your residence from crime.
Personal Safety
- Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Be mindful of what’s going on while wearing headphones or on the phone. Better yet, hold off on using your headphones and cell phone.
- Do not walk or exercise alone at night outdoors. If you’re on campus, you can call UFPD’s SNAP service for a free ride to and from anywhere on campus.
- Do not take rides from strangers or pick up hitchhikers.
- Walk in groups and stay in parts of town that are well-lit and that you are familiar with.
- If you get a phone solicitor or someone soliciting at your home, do not give them any personal information including address, phone number, social security number, or credit card information and do not let them in your apartment or house.
- If you ever feel uncomfortable, go to another area where you feel safer or just leave the situation entirely.
- If you’ve been the victim of a crime call the police immediately.
- Keep the doors to your apartment locked 24/7 and close windows before leaving your apartment.
- Ensure you have and use a peep hole on your front door before opening the door.
- Don’t open your door to strangers. Do not let delivery people into your home.
- Only let in maintenance workers if complex management or your landlord has contacted you to inform you of the date, time and reason for the visit.
- Keep your car doors locked at all times. Do not leave valuables in your car. IPods, textbooks or clothing are items easily sold and often entice thieves.
- As you are moving in and out, protect your belongings by locking your apartment and car doors during trips to and from your car.
- Ensure the trees and shrubs around your apartment doors and windows are cut back enough so they don’t obscure your view out of your apartment and so a person cannot hide in them.
- Make sure apartment complex lights are working.
- Contact apartment complex management for yard work and exterior lighting maintenance immediately.
- If you see someone suspicious, call the police immediately and notify your apartment complex management or landlord. The non-emergency line is (352) 955-1818. In an emergency, dial 911.
- There are several alarm companies in Gainesville. Some apartment complexes offer wired systems in their apartments. If you want to add an alarm system, ask your landlord or apartment management before you contract for installation. All alarm systems must be registered with the city/county through the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office. Visit their website at https://acso.us/ for more details.
Party Safety
You must be 21 or older to drink alcohol. If you choose to drink alcohol, be sure to do so responsibly. UF and the City of Gainesville take alcohol-related rules and regulations seriously so be aware that inappropriate and potentially harmful behavior will not be tolerated and may be punishable. Visit UF’s GatorWell Health Promotion Services website to learn more about party safety and other health related tips and resources.