
Personal Safety

Lots of crime is preventable, but only if you take basic steps to protect yourself and your belongings. Off Campus Life recommends checking crime statistics before signing a lease and here is a link to the City Protect website which has a map feature that allows you to search crime information by address. In addition, here are some easy ways you can protect yourself and your residence from crime. Read more

Crime Prevention Resources

We have three law enforcement agencies in Gainesville. All three agencies have several programs that meet the needs of students and non-student community members. Visit law enforcement websites to find out more.

University of Florida Police Department (UFPD):
Gainesville Police Department (GPD):
Alachua County Sheriff's Office (ASO):

Hurricane Safety

Hurricane season is June 1 - November 30. The best place to go for storm or severe weather updates is the UF website. Below are 10 steps to prepare for a hurricane or severe weather.

1. Prepare a Disaster Supplies Kit and a Personal Evacuation Plan. Identify where you could go ahead of time. If you are told to evacuate choose several locations and keep directions and contact information ready.
2. Create a communication plan with family and friends. Talk with family about your plans for evacuation during a storm.
3. Stay informed. Check websites, listen to the radio or watch TV for the latest weather updates. If you are told to evacuate, do so immediately.
4. Take these items when evacuating. Prescription medications, cash, sleeping bag, pillow, water, non-perishable foods, first-aid kit, battery operated radio, flashlight, batteries, car keys, cell phone, maps, directions, shelter locations, shelter contact information, driver’s license, social security card and insurance papers.
5. Follow these steps before evacuating: Unplug all electrical appliances, move all valuables off the floor to avoid damage in case of flooding, close blinds and curtains, close and lock apartment and home windows and doors.
6. Fill your car’s gas tank and make sure you have cash. ATM’s and gas pumps
7. Don’t forget your pet and remember to bring: food, water, medication, toys, crate, leash and any other pet essentials. Shelters require a crate for your dog or cat, so be prepared.
8. What to do when the hurricane arrives: Listen to the radio or TV, stay indoors and don’t party. This is a time for you to be aware and ready to evacuate if necessary.
9. What to do after the hurricane: Continue to monitor websites, listen to the radio or local TV station for instructions and inspect your home for damage. If the power is out, use flashlights in the dark, not candles. Avoid power lines or plugging in electrical appliances in standing water.
10. More resources: For shelter information, check the UF website, local newspapers, radio stations, or TV news.

For more information, visit the following websites or apps:

UF Emergency Management:
GatorSafe app: